Review Request: Reduce the warnings about unused parameters

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Nov 21 09:11:56 GMT 2009

On 21.11.09 09:58:05, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> Em Sábado 21. Novembro 2009, às 02.58.53, Raphael Kubo da Costa escreveu:
> > To avoid "-pedantic" commits, it's better to remove the trailing ";" as the
> >  Q_UNUSED macro already adds it.
> I've never seen the compiler complain about extra semicolons in code. 

Try running with -pedantic and see for yourself. It specifically
complains about such semicolons after macro's that include an
"end-semicolon". It also complains about additional comma in enums and
other things. As the switch says, its really pedantic :)


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