chess and barcelona

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Nov 9 20:31:53 GMT 2009

On Monday 09 November 2009, Aleix Pol wrote:
> Sure, but I think that's up to Nokia (not even the maemo community, afaik).
> So if Nokia decides to trust KDE by introducing our software in their
> systems KDE will be able to get involved into maemo. Until that happens
>  it's just about choosing who to hack for.
> I'm not sure what you mean by push KDE into maemo since I think it's been
> working there for some time already, never tried that though.
> Aleix
of course is up to nokia to decide what to use and up to the individual 
developers to decide what to hack, what i was saying is more a thing of 
showing it that's valuable is not just making it compile and start, but making 
it compelling, the koffice viewer is a really beautiful example of it.
i don't see it as something that "steals" development to KDE to the pure 
benefit of Nokia, is more dedicating attention to devices that aren't the 
desktop, something that i believe is a big target for the future.
being pretty on mobile devices wouldn't benefit only maemo, but every 
distribution that will target small stuff, so benefit KDE in the end

Marco Martin

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