KDE is not an OS platform... (And neither is Gnome)

David Faure faure at kde.org
Wed Nov 4 01:18:13 GMT 2009

On Wednesday 04 November 2009, nf2 wrote:
> * But Qt-only apps?
> And i do believe Qt is quite important for getting more apps written
> for the FOSS desktop. As its portability is very attractive.

OK, that's a good point. However QFile/QDir is not the answer IMHO.
Qt has a nice API for async networking requests already: QNetworkAccessManager 
(for which we have a KIO backend; the qt-kde platform plugin (cf the thread 
from Olivier) could even use that when kdelibs is around).
But for file dialogs, it misses directory listing, and stat, at least.
And for file management, it misses mkdir, del, copying and moving files.
But I'm really afraid that saying this will result in a NIH "QIO" framework in 
Qt. Noooo ;-) It should really end up using KIO, of course. Funny how 
apparently, runtime usage of KDE isn't such of a big deal compared to using 
KDE API in the first place...

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org).

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