Automatic rename in KIO rename dialog

David Faure faure at
Wed Nov 4 00:31:08 GMT 2009

On Sunday 25 October 2009, todd rme wrote:
> Now one likely objections is that the dialog box is getting really big
> already. 

Yep, that would have been my reaction indeed.

> There are already a bunch of buttons, adding another one
> will only make it bigger.  One possible solution to this would be to
> eliminate the "overwrite all" and "auto skip" buttons and instead have
> a single check box labeled "apply to all".  When this is checked, the
> overwrite button would act as overwrite all, the skip button would act
> as auto skip, and the rename button would act as auto rename. 

Excellent solution.

David Faure, faure at,
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