KDE is not an OS platform... (And neither is Gnome)

David Faure faure at kde.org
Sun Nov 1 10:58:47 GMT 2009

On Saturday 31 October 2009, Pau Garcia i Quiles wrote:
> In platforms where FUSE is not available, just fallback to plain KIO.
And how will you sort out the bugs, when someone says something
doesn't work, and we have no clue if that's on top of the KIO stack
or on top of the FUSE stack? Am I the only one who sees a problem
with "multiple backends" approaches? N times the maintainance,
N times the headache. And all this for providing a bad (because blocking) 
solution to non-kde apps !?

> > For instance FTP can't be mapped into the expected
> > POSIX behavior properly

Ah! Why am I not surprised...
And if that's a problem for FTP, it most certainly is a problem with
other protocols.

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org).

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