RFC: remove qt-copy

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Tue May 26 03:19:35 BST 2009

On Monday 25 May 2009, Michael Pyne wrote:
> > It means checking out and building Qt again.
> It is not (yet) supported by kdesvn-build. ;)

good point. any timeline on such a thing? :)

> Someone (mpyne?) will need to port kdesvn-build to use kde-qt instead of
> qt- copy.

:) how much work do you think that is?

> With that said, don't let kdesvn-build hold up progress if it's really
> important

there are a number of areas that need attention and none are second class 
citizens. this is one of them.

> and I don't get time to hack it in then someone else will provide
> a working patch. ;)

hehe.. exactly

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software

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