[PATCH] Permanent clear button for KLineEdit

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at web.de
Wed Mar 25 17:26:11 GMT 2009

Am Wednesday 25 March 2009 schrieb Aaron J. Seigo:

> ah, got it now. but isn't the bug in the composer window that it should
> check for content when editing is complete and if there is nothing in it,
> remove the line? that way the user doesn't need to click the clear button
> at all if they don't want to.
yesno, please don't forget to count available lines and ensure one remains ;-)

other than this, you're imho /very/ right about overloading the function 
(maybe the user just want's to clean and enter a complete new line. the ctrl+a 
or triple-click is nice, but not obvious and ths d*** f*** touchpads make 
selecting a whole line really unconveniant :-(

about the ui clutter:
why not just make the appereance dependent on "mouseOver"?
this will lead to even less clutter than hiding it for empty lines, users are 
used to ui (look) changes on hover and you cannot click it w/o hovering the 
editline anyway...
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