KDirSelectDialog change icon size feature...
Shaun Reich
predator106 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 21 16:41:40 GMT 2009
On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at kde.org> wrote:
> On Friday 20 March 2009, Peter Penz wrote:
>> Hi Shaun,
>> > On 3/18/09, Peter Penz <peter.penz at gmx.at> wrote:
>> [...]
>> > > I'm not happy that we have now 3
>> > > locations with a quite similar zooming
>> > > code:
>> > > - Dolphin (-> Konqueror with DolphinPart)
>> > > - file dialog
>> > > - dir select dialog
>> > >
>> > > The code in Dolphin already differs from the code in the file dialog
>> > > (Dolphin has a fixed raster of zooming levels, the file
>> > > dialog allows a
>> > > pixelwise zooming). I'd like to get them unified before we
>> > > copy the code
>> > > from file dialog to another class...
>> [...]
>> > Yeah, I felt bad when I was duplicating all of this code, it -should-
>> > be moved somewhere, but I have no idea as to where, else I would try
>> > and do it.
>> [...]
>> > > Generally speaking I'm unsure about the need
>> > > for this feature in the dir
>> > > select dialog: The setting won't be
>> > > remembered and why should I need to zoom
>> > > directory icons?
>> >
>> > I wanted this feature because the tiny icon size setting for listed
>> > folders is ugly, I don't like small icons, and these ones are very
>> > tiny. This should showcase the before/after, clearly. I like to have
>> > the freedom to change the size to whatever I want, and I like to spice
>> > it up every so often, by using a different size. Plus, it is in other
>> > views.... etc...
>> >
>> > http://picasaweb.google.com/predator106/OtherRandomScreenies#
>> >
>> > We can of course, move that around if we have to....
>> Thanks for the screenshot. But this indicates that the real problem you try
>> to solve with the icon slider is to have larger icons. So after you've
>> configured once the icon size in your environment, you won't use the zoom
>> slide anymore. Is this correct?
> if we showed thubnails there, this could have a use. and it's consistent with
> the file chooser. however, the slider is in the wrong place in this case (it
> should be at the bottom for aesthetic and visual workflow reasons).
> but yes, i agree with you that until there's actual useful information there
> in the icons, having this always in that dialog is a bit questionable.
> on the other hand, we have that icon size slider just about everywhere these
> days so it's understandable why a person would expect one in that dialog as
> well.
>> One possible solution might be that the dir select dialog respects the icon
>> size configured in the system settings (system settings -> appearance ->
>> icons -> advanced). Another possibility would be to provide a context menu
>> to adjust the icons size.
> if it was next to the buttons, but aligned with the left edge of the treeview
> and line edit, it would work a lot nicer.
> it doesn't need text by the buttons either. we don't have that in dolphin or
> gwenview, for instance.
> --
> Aaron J. Seigo
> humru othro a kohnu se
> GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43
> KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software
Well I can't figure out how to set the zoom slider to the left of the
qlineedit, but below the treeview the layouts were giving me a lot of
trouble, even after a lot of messing around with them, adding another,
etc etc.... so I can't figure out how to make it look/work that way.
Riverenter Vestri,
Shaun Reich
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