Patch v4: Fix KEncodingProber crashiness

Dan Meltzer parallelgrapefruit at
Sat Mar 21 16:56:19 GMT 2009

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Jeff Mitchell <mitchell at> wrote:
> Christoph Feck wrote:
>> Am Saturday 21 March 2009 16:03:20 schrieb Peter Oberndorfer:
>>>> * Why not name it encoding() ?
>>>> encodingNameByteArray reads very hackish...
>> And why not just return a QString? Is there a reason the encoding needs to be
>> specified in a specific encoding itself, so that it needs to be a byte array?
> No idea.  I was told on this list that the new function should return a
> QByteArray -- so it does.
> Anyways, I'm going to leave this to someone else to take care of.  I am
> mostly useless in improving the class as I know little about charsets,
> but more importantly I didn't intend to get into long discussions of how
> the class got to be where it is now and all the things wrong with it;
> please discuss that with the author.  I just wanted to fix the crash.
> Whoever ends up taking care of this, please ensure it is ported back to
> 4.2 branch so when Amarok 2.1 is released (which will probably be after
> 4.2.2) people aren't crashing all over.

I'm fairly sure that new api can't be added in a point release, which
is going to make this difficult to backport...
> Thanks,
> Jeff

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