enhance KRecentFilesAction with a ui action to remove entries

Christoph Pfister christophpfister at gmail.com
Sun Mar 8 20:39:59 GMT 2009

2009/3/8 Parker Coates <parker.coates at gmail.com>:
> On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 13:24, Christoph Pfister
> <christophpfister at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Patch and screenshot attached - comments welcome (don't know how the
>> k-c-d development model works, but I don't mind you / me commiting it
>> if it's ok).
> It's not a feature I see myself ever needing or using, but it doesn't
> really clutter the interface too much, as the action is hidden in the
> submenu. If applications have started implementing this on their own,
> then it probably makes sense to make it available everywhere. I do
> have some nitpicks, though.
> I am somewhat concerned with the text chosen for the action. I see
> there being the possibility that the word "remove" could be
> interpreted as "delete" in this context. I'm also not sure the word
> "entries" has any real meaning to your average user. I don't
> necessarily have a better suggestion, though. Perhaps "Clear recent
> files list"?

"Clear list"?

> Another small detail is the method names "clearActionEnabled()" and
> "setClearActionEnabled()". Generally, in the context of actions the
> word "enabled" indicates that an item is clickable and not greyed out,
> but here it indicates only visibility, which I could see leading to
> confusion. "clearActionVisible()" and "setClearActionVisibility()"
> might make more sense, but I'd wait for others to weigh in there.


> I also don't love that the clear action is still shown when the list
> in empty. Shouldn't we be able to add a check to "addUrl()" to detect
> if we're adding the first entry to the list and insert the clear
> action then? Likewise add a check to "setClearActionEnabled()" to only
> add the clear action if the list isn't empty and a check to removeUrl
> to hide the clear action when the list is empty.

That's certainly doable (by extending the logic of noEntriesAction to
the clearAction: if the clear action is enabled exactly one of those
two actions is visible).

> Parker


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