Question on parenting plasma widgets

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Jun 24 21:33:46 BST 2009

On Wednesday 24 June 2009, Armin Moradi wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm writing a plasmoid and I have trouble adding a Plasma.TabBar to
> it.  This is the code:
>     def setupUi(self):
>         self.mainLayout = QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt.Vertical)
>         self.statusLayout = QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt.Vertical)
>         self.tabBar = Plasma.TabBar(self.applet)
>         self.tabBar.addTab('status', self.statusLayout)
>         self.mainLayout.addItem(self.tabBar)
>         self.setLayout(self.mainLayout)

besides what Alex said about #plasma or plasma-devel@, the crash is happening 
when QGraphicsWidget goes to delete the layout. this looks most likely to be a 
bug in the PyKDE bindings there, causing the layout to be deleted behind the 
back of the applet. you probably want to ask the PyKDE people about this.

perhaps all the items associated with self. get deleted automatically? (i'm 
not up to speed with PyKDE's details, unfortunately.) if so, then the layouts 
should not be associated with self as they managed by the QGraphicsWidget they 
are associated with directly.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software

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