Review Request: AudioDataOutput support in Phonon w/ backends.

Ian Monroe imonroe at
Mon Jul 27 16:10:17 BST 2009

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Fathi Boudra<fboudra at> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Ian Monroe<imonroe at> wrote:
>> You're creating a catch-22 that doesn't really exist. So since there
>> seems to be some confusion: kdesupport Phonon is the canonical
>> upstream location of Phonon. Obviously downstream in Qt is going to be
>> a little bit behind. But thats how these things work. :)
> Do you mean Qt Phonon will include these changes ?
> still, these changes won't be included to Qt before 4.6
> and KDE trunk requirements is Qt 4.5 atm.
> The question remains, what about people using Phonon from Qt 4.5 ?

They don't get the new features. People using old libraries don't get
the features of the newer version. Its always like this.

Phonon's status is legitimately confusing since its had no major
development in a year+. It was taken out of kdelibs since that made
coordinating releases with Qt hard. Perhaps it would make sense to
have a Phonon release in some months to allow people to use these
features before Qt updates.


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