RFC: Moving RSIBreak to KDEUtils?

Tom Albers toma at kde.org
Sun Jul 19 16:48:45 BST 2009


I'm thinking about moving RSIBreak from extrageaur utls to KDEUtils. I have no knowledge of any procedure for that, so I would like some feedback. 

Is RSIBreak welcome there? 

The biggest issue to not to do it, is that there are some dependencies on X11, so it won't work on Windows for example. The KIdle library removes the biggest stowstopper in that area, the remaining issues I can #ifdef.

I've noticed that the application is used more than I thought, and I'm happy to fit the KDE release schedule so it removes a bit of administration overhead for me.

Without comments I think I will do the move in a week or so.

KDE Developer

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