finding the unloved Pt. 2

Lydia Pintscher lydia at
Wed Jul 15 23:44:19 BST 2009

Ok here is a new updated bounces list. Removed everything that was
sorted already by now and added new bounces at the end.

| karchie                   | general
| kfind                     | general
| kquick                    | general
| lilo-config               | general
| ksysctrl                  | general
| kchat                     | general
| aktion                    | general
| noatun                    | dub
| kmago                     | general
| ktelnet2                  | general
| kicker                    | quicklauncher
| binaries                  | dpkg
| kalamaris                 | general
| kontour                   | general
| knewmail                  | general
| ksim                      | general
| kless                     | general
| kwintv                    | general
| brahms                    | general
| kcontrol                  | kcminput
| kcontrol                  | kcmkeyboard
| kstartperf                | general
| kdepasswd                 | general
| kdessh                    | general
| kst                       | * <- mailinglist, email was rejected by
moderator - didn't hear anything after reject
| ksirc                     | general
| i18n                      | mk
| i18n                      | th
| mp3kult                   | general
| kwebget                   | general
| binaries                  | cygwin
| kde-bluetooth             | kbemusedsrv
| gofai                     | general
| i18n                      | zh-CN.GB2312
| kdemultimedia             | general  <- mailinglist - email was
rejected by moderator - didn't hear anything after reject
| kfile-plugins             | avi  <- mailinglist - email was rejected
by moderator - didn't hear anything after reject
| kfile-plugins             | mp3  <- mailinglist - email was rejected
by moderator - didn't hear anything after reject
| kfile-plugins             | ogg  <- mailinglist - email was rejected
by moderator - didn't hear anything after reject
| konqueror                 | sidebar media player  <- mailinglist -
email was rejected by moderator - didn't hear anything after reject
| kmerlin                   | general
| kde-bluetooth             | khciconfig
| kde-bluetooth             | kbluelock


Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager - -
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