[PATCH] Add support for JEDEC/metric standards to KLocale::formatByteSize

Michael Pyne mpyne at kde.org
Sun Jul 12 22:17:50 BST 2009

On Sunday 12 July 2009 16:38:17 Marcel Partap wrote:
> > > Personally i also am against introducing the non-sensical and outdated
> > > JEDEC standard and think my patch, which Michael also was referring to,
> > > provides the interface needed to suit the needs of users and
> >
> > translators.
> Again, the JEDEC standard is bad because it is simply undistinguishable
> from SI units.

Then do not select JEDEC (as they are not default, and there will probably 
never be a GUI to enable them), and your problem is solved.

I've only mentioned in one place using JEDEC units specifically, and that was 
in relation to memory sizes (i.e. the unit JEDEC standardizes).  If that is 
your objection then please say so, otherwise I do not see what the technical 
problem is.

 - Michael Pyne
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