(Black box) Automation tests on QT app

Thomas McGuire thomas at kdab.com
Wed Jul 8 09:52:41 BST 2009


On Tuesday 07 July 2009 20:04:57 suelyne dias wrote:
> I'm working on QT app, and I've hit the point where I
> need to design some black box tests (integration, performance, regression
> testing). Unfortunately, I'm at a bit of a loss about how to regression
> test my QT code.
> So far, the best that I've been able to think of is manual testing.
> This is hardly an ideal regression suite.
> Is anyone out there regression testing QT apps?  If so, what are you
> doing/how are you doing it?
> I'd appreciate any tips towards methods, mechanisms or software that
> could help me test my code!

You should have attended Thomas Zander's excellent presentation on how to do 
unit tests with Qt here at GCDS ;-)

There is also a quite good tutorial at 

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