KDE browser work team

Alex Fiestas alex at eyeos.org
Thu Jul 2 08:59:50 BST 2009

On Wednesday 01 July 2009 21:10:41 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> * web developers only test against web stacks that have "enough usage",
> which means in practice IE, Gecko and WebKit. so workarounds, where needed,
> often appear in the websites themselves for those engines. that means those
> stacks actually have _less_ work to do since the work-arounds are often
> supplied for them by website developers.
I'm not sure about this Aaron, I'm a web developer and I've never care about 
Webkit, is Webkit who had care about be able to run everything I've done in 
Firefox, and is Webkit who had care about give me tools to spend the minor 
possible time fixing special Webkit stuff. The worry of Webkit to be able to run 
Gecko stuff is so much, until the point that implements some "non-standar" stuff 
that firefox 2 does.

So, imho as web developer and web user I'm we've 2 different points here, that 
can't be messed:

	1-Have to get 100/100 on acid3 (khtml ppl is working on it.
	2-Have to be able technically to develop something like firebug.
	3-And implement (they already have iirc) a JIT Js stuff.

	1-Have to implement Web developer tools.
	2-The user experience have to be reviewed, for example, try to have the same 
behaviour that ff, ie does in some stuff could be a good start point (mainly 
modify default options).
	3-Have a roadmap.

Let me explain the first point on each list:
As I said, a web developer cares about IE and Gecko, which mainly means, IE 
(non standar) and Gecko (standar). So if khtml gets 100/100 in acid, 
everything should run just fine.

Then, If  a web developer need to fix something for khtml, the better if you 
have some good tool to inspect the dom tree, debug a bit etc.

And finally, haven't to mess heavy or advanced users with normal ppl, who only 
cares about if facebook works. A heavy user need more stuff like extensions 

Alex Fiestas
eyeOS developer

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