[PATCH] Support for bookmarklets

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at free.fr
Thu Jan 29 22:25:54 GMT 2009

(I sent this message to kfm-devel@ but did not receive a firm answer, so 
I am reposting here)


Attached is a patch which adds support for bookmarklets to Konqueror.

In case you don't know about them, bookmarklets are one-line javascript 
bookmarks which can be triggered by the user to do nifty things with the 
current web page, for example enforcing a sane combination of background 
and foreground colors. One of the most common bookmarklets is the one 
provided by Del.icio.us to bookmark pages to their service. You can find 
it here:


The patch is quite simple, but requires linking libkdeinit_konqueror 
with khtml.

What do you think about it? Is it ok to commit?

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