Proposed patch: Bug 160230

Darío Andrés andresbajotierra at
Sat Jan 17 00:09:45 GMT 2009

Hi to all. This is my first message in the ML :)
I've trying to fix small bugs in KDE.

For Bug 160230 (Can't enable system bell) I determined that the
KCMmodule wasn't loding properly the config from the "kdeglobals"
config file. (however the changes made to the module were saved

By removing the "KConfig::NoGlobal" from the KConfig constructor in
the load function, the Module now loads the configuration properly.
However I don't know if this may cause some side effects

The patch has to be applied against: kdebase/workspace/kcontrol/bell/bell.cpp

Thanks in advice.
Darío Andrés (report-fixing at BKO)
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