Move to kdereview: solid-actions-kcm

Kevin Ottens ervin at
Wed Feb 25 08:28:34 GMT 2009

On Wednesday 25 February 2009 06:21:44 Ben Cooksley wrote:
> I am trying to get objects for all the various types of
> Solid::DeviceInterface ( AcAdapter, OpticalDisc, etc ) in order to
> access their Meta objects to get the needed information to list values
> / classes not in the desktop files.
> [...]

OK, I think I see.

> Is there any method in the Solid API I missed?

In the Solid API I'd say no, in Qt itself perhaps. ;-)

Why not using the staticMetaObject member on each of the relevant classes? You 
don't need an instance of Solid::StorageAccess to get its meta object, you can 
access directly Solid::StorageAccess:staticMetaObject.

That doesn't solve the issue of finding all the possible DeviceInterface 
subclasses automatically though, but IMHO that's fine. It means only adding a 
line from time to time to cover a new class, it'll already be simpler 
maintenance wise than chasing for changes and additions in all the properties 
of all the classes.

Kévin 'ervin' Ottens,
"Ni le maître sans disciple, Ni le disciple sans maître,
Ne font reculer l'ignorance."
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