Polkit-qt, Polkit-qt-1 and polkit-kde new releases

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Thu Dec 24 10:05:13 GMT 2009

Hi Dario,

On Wednesday 23 December 2009, Dario Freddi wrote:
> Trunk now opt-depends on these new versions of polkit-qt*. I apologize for
> the late move, but it was necessary, since polkit-qt-1 still did not have a
> proper release, and polkit-qt suffered from 2 major problems (version check
> depending on pkgconfig and a bug in QtDBus in Qt 4.6) that required a
> release and a dependency on the new version to be fixed.

there have been build errors this night due to this change:

Not sure why, since the code in FindPolQt.cmake looks actually ok on the first 
sight, but maybe the attached patchs helps. 
Please have a look and commit if you find it works.

(I'm away now for the next few days)

Merry Christmas

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