Request for deprecation of KDESu::SshProcess and removal of kdesu_stub/kdessh

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Fri Dec 18 21:28:30 GMT 2009

Hi David,

Vendredi, le 18 decembre 2009, à 21:57, David Faure a écrit:
> On Friday 18 December 2009, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> > It is not working at all currently, as this commit
> >         "Move kdesu_stub to libexec"
> >
> > moved kdesu_stub out of the $PATH, so the ssh server will not find it.
> Ooops. Doesn't QByteArray(LIBEXEC_INSTALL_DIR) + "/kdesu_stub"
> point to the right location? Or is that broken because it's the path on the
> wrong computer?

The latter. The class SshProcess executes "ssh someparameters 
kdesu_stub", so kdesu_stub is run by the ssh server on the remote computer, 
which just looks in $PATH AFAIK.

> > Is there a chance somebody remembers why it was moved to ? And not
> > perhaps renamed kdesu_stub to kdesu_stub4? Or just have it conflict with
> >  the  KDE 3 version, like e.g. KWrite has a conflict, too.
> Because kdelibs3 and kdelibs4 must be co-installable (while kwrite is not
>  in kdelibs so no problem with it).

Hm, why must the libs be co-installable, but the programs not? Isn't there a 
$PATH equivalent for libs?

>  But yes, kdesu_stub4 is another idea.
>  The libexec idea was to keep things cleaner (hide stuff from users that
>  they have no business running directly; keeps their exe-completion clean,
>  too). Of course not to the point of breaking things, oops. If indeed the
>  problem is "different computers", then the solutions are kdesu_stub4 in
>  path, or running the command `kde4-config --path exe --locate kdesu_stub`.

The kde4-config  hack is nice as usual ;)

So kdesu_stub4 looks like the better solution. Although this then breaks 
kdessh'ing to KDE3-only computers where only kdesu_stub is available (protocol 
looks compatible for 4->3). But could be helped with a parameter to kdessh, so 
it uses kdesu_stub as stub program.
Even more, kdesu_stub is not that describing (might be the reason for the 
install change mistake ;) ). So if SshProcess is going to stay, a name like 
"kdessh_stub", "kdessh-adapter" or $YourProposal should be used.

Okteta - KDE Hex Editor -

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