Freeze exemption for PA integration into Phonon

Andrea Diamantini adjam7 at
Tue Dec 8 01:46:57 GMT 2009

On Saturday 05 December 2009 17:40:06 Thomas Lübking wrote:
> So the suggested way is to:
> - compile Qt with -phonon
> - compile kdesupport including phonon
> - prefix kdesupport phonon to QTDIR, having it override the Qt variant
> or
> - replace QtPhonon with symlinks to kdesupport phonon (BC is guaranteed in
> either way)
> - compile KDE

Let me say this is in any case a real mess. 
Is it not possible to "split" phonon in two parts: the first containing the 
part released with Qt (following its release schedule) and the second 
containing the backends, the phononexperimental and the other stuffs we need 
for KDE with the unique simple rule that the second has to compile against the 

Andrea Diamantini, adjam
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