RFC v2: adding a temporary, non-BC gauranteed, 'private' library

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Fri Apr 24 12:34:58 BST 2009

Le Freitag, 24. April 2009, à 12:51, Kevin Krammer a écrit:
> On Friday, 2009-04-24, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> > Vrendedi, le 24 avril 2009, à 12:10, Thiago Macieira a écrit:
> > > We want to have knotificationitem-0.1.tar.gz. The place for individual
> > > packages is extragear.
> >
> > Also for those which are a hard dependency for e.g. kdebase?
> It is just another external library, i.e. it is either optional for
> additional features or required, in which case it needs a CMake check for
> the required version.

Sure. But see this from a KDE developers point of view: It increases the 
complexity of the whole build process. Where one was used to think in modules 
without needing to care much what is contained, one now also has to always 
think of the individual packages which are linked into the dependency chain 
and always need to be up-to-date.
Where it was
it would become
and perhaps worse, if more developers take chance of giving their libs some 
publish feedback before freezing the API.

> > Or kdepimlibs
> > (who perhaps might be happy to have some more time to make the
> > akonadi-based APIs stable)?
> We do that in module private libs in kdepim.

Private as in? Are the libs used outside of kdepimlibs?
Are headers installed whose API changes incompatible for 4.x+1?
Would kdepim 4.3 compile against kdepimlibs 4.4, or rather, would kdepim 4.3 
compiled against kdepimlibs 4.3 run with kdepimlibs 4.4?
Then I just guessed these published parts of kdepimlibs are still candidate 
for changes, so it might have been a bad example :)

> > For myself I would be happy to publish the okteta{core,gui} libs for
> > reuse by others. But they are not extra to Okteta, they are fundamental.
> > And will just change and be released along major KDE versions. So
> > _extra_gear really does not fit for it IMHO. I would very much like
> > another solution.
> If they are specific to a certain version of Okteta, just release them with
> that version, no?

But as far as I was told once they are released and published with kdeutils, I 
have to ensure ABI-stability until KDE5. Or? Or do you mean release them from 

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