
Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Fri Apr 24 07:42:58 BST 2009

On Thursday 23 April 2009, Ted Gould wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-04-23 at 18:03 -0600, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > this is probably the typical implementation we'll see in general, because
> > it's consistent with legacy tray behaviors. but it could just as easily
> > be a voice driven system, a text interface or fluffy dancing bunnies
> > pantomiming the items. ;) this is why we put no definition beyond "here
> > are the triggers".
> While I understand what you're saying, I'm a little worried that unless
> there's a different implementation people are going to quickly associate
> them with left, right and middle click.  App developers are a pain that
> way :)

that's fine, as long as they think of left click as "activate", right click as 
"context menu" and middle click as "that other thing that might happen, aka 
the secondary activate" it's all good. they can program to their own 
prejudices and then if/when a different host comes along it can change 
how/when it triggers the three different actions ... 

> This doesn't allow for applications that handle the buttons a little
> differently.  For instance the network manager notification icon shows
> menus for both left and right click.  And doesn't really have an
> "activate" type feature.  Bluetooth and GNOME Power Manager are the same
> on my system right now.

kmix is the same way and shows its popup on Activate. i think KDE and GNOME 
abuse, er, use the system tray in remarkably similar ways.

the idea is to identify what is the:

* primary interface for the item (whatever that means: an app window, a popup 

* contextual options interface

* secondary, if any, action to be taken

yes, it's a bit of a change in thinking, but not that much and tbh really 

> > if you'd like to work on such an addition to the spec, i'd happily accept
> > it as a valued addition. if you are interested, some thoughts/notes off
> > the top of my head:
> I'll look at the references and see if I can't brainstorm something.

cool :)

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software

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