Busy times

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at kde.org
Fri Apr 10 16:59:40 BST 2009

Hi all,

I have been thinking about to which mailing list send this mail, and I
am deeply sorry if I am mistaken sending it to kcd. I decided to send it
here because my main work has been/is in this area.

Probably some of you guys have noticed that I am connecting less to IRC
than before, as well as no commits at all since december or so, as well
as participation in community.

First of all, I want to say sorry for having dissapeared so fast from
the picture, but real life matters have got my full time at the moment
(and full time is full time, more than 12 hours/day).

I still feel deeply linked to KDE but I simply have no time for it.

This doesn't mean I am leaving or something similar, just wanted to say
sorry for having to pause my commitment on KDE for a while. I know I
have pending things (which some of them are almost finished, like
KCategorizedView rewriting which I love).

I will do my best to finish all my pending stuff as soon as possible as
well as all bugs related to myself.

I hope I will have more time in the future for KDE and increase my help
here as I was doing before.

Despite I have no time at all, I will try to get some time to connect to
IRC at least daily for a while and read some mailing lists... (I have
unsuscribed from some of them because the lack of time for reading

Thanks for your understanding guys, really great work with KDE 4.2.2 !!
Rafael Fernández López.

PS: I lost ALL my mail several days ago (cause POP and reinstalling the
system, forgot to backup). I know someone wrote me about
KWidgetItemDelegate but I can't remember who. Can you please resend the
mail ? sorry for the inconveniences... :(

PS2: I want to reiterate and say it very clear... I am NOT leaving KDE.

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