[PATCH] Take care also of the KJob::finished signal in KPart - it also fixes Ark's BUG 187538

Raphael Kubo da Costa kubito at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 16:22:11 BST 2009

2009/4/6 Kevin Ottens <ervin at kde.org>:
> Yep, should probably add a @see kill() or something like that. As the
> verbosity come from here. If you use kill() by default it'll kill and delete
> the job without emitting result.
Let me see if I understand: the FileCopyJob shouldn't be connected to
the finished signal, and the apidox that is misleading - neither
result nor finished are emitted every time the job is finished, since
when the job is killed with KJob::Quietly no signal is emitted (or
maybe being killed doesn't mean it's being finished).

In this case, the best thing would be to call kill with
KJob::EmitResult, which in turn takes us back the reviewboard patch,
as I can't see how to do that in kdeui/kuiserverjobtracker.cpp

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