Any devs willing to maintain KnowIt?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Sat Sep 20 20:52:34 BST 2008

2008/9/20 Frank Osterfeld <frank.osterfeld at>:
> Hi,
> On Wednesday 09 July 2008, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>> I'm using it too and if I can't find an alternative that works well
>> under KDE4, once I switch to KDE4, I'll probably port it myself. Thats
>> not the same as maintainership though, I don't have time for that, I'd
>> just make it work in KDE4 as it works now for what I need.
> I did just that and started to port today's CVS snapshot of knowit to KDE4,
> find the initial port at
> svn://
> (will move it to playground when okayed by Michał)
> It's not finished, I just made it compile and not crash at startup. The
> mainwindow comes up and it loaded my .kno file without problems. Some code is
> known to be not ported, I disabled those sections using #ifdef
> Feel free to test and contribute. As for Andreas, I don't have the time to
> maintain the application, I probably will just do a basic port to make it
> work for me, on Linux and OS X.
> Frank

You caught me at just the wrong time to start bugtesting KDE4 apps, as
I'm still using KDE3 and I'm very pressed for time. However, if you
would like I have a list of feature requests for KnowIt and they may
be useful to you as well. Some of them do not seem difficult to

Dotan Cohen


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