[PATCH] A KJob jobtracker that uses kuiserver, or falls back to dialogs.

Rob Scheepmaker r.scheepmaker at student.utwente.nl
Thu Sep 4 11:58:04 BST 2008

> The main problem here is that I feel that you are talking exclusively
> about "Separate Windows" vs. "kuisever PLASMOID". kuiserver is a
> standalone application, which will be executed by its own (auto start
> service) if it is requested by D-Bus.
> This is an important bit, because the plasmoid is a matter of "or you
> have it, or you don't". But an application that will just pop up, is a
> different matter...

Ok, yeah, you're right, sorry I missed that part. I think in that case the 
optimal situation would be 2 options: 'force kuiserver', 'use kuiserver if 
available or fallback otherwise' (of course in less technical terminology). 
Because if the user took time to add the kuiserver plasmoid to it's desktop, I 
think he would get confused if that wouldn't work and he would still see 
Any idea on where to put that option though?

Rob Scheepmaker

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