Krazy Check for Missing toolTips and whatsThis

Parker Coates parker.coates at
Mon Oct 6 06:40:43 BST 2008

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 10:56, Parker Coates <parker.coates at> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 07:16, Anne-Marie Mahfouf wrote:
>> "Since these widgets pull the tooltips and whatsthis text from the .kfcg"
>> Is that so? I thought not, please check that info.
>> As far as I know Tooltips and QWhatsThis are pulled from .ui files or directly
>> from code but not from .kcfg files.
>> Keep the check if I am true. Clarify if I am wrong.
> It seems we'll have to split the cheque. It seems (in my application,
> at least) that the whatthis text IS pulled from the kcfg file, but the
> tooltip IS NOT. I knew it worked for the whatsthis and assumed it
> would work for the tooltips. If the whatthis text is set in both the
> code and the kcfg file, the code overrides the kcfg.
> I have no idea what the intended behaviour is though. It seems a bit
> silly to have to duplicate this information in both the code/UI and
> the kcfg file. Do any of the KConfig guys have any input?

The attached patch to KConfigDialogManager causes the tooltips to be
pulled from the kfcg file just the as the whatsthis text already is.
If the tooltip has already been set in the UI file or the C++ code, it
will not replaced.

Is anyone opposed to me committing this? It seems like this must have
been the original intention.

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