Convenience kdesupport tags for building kdelibs-4.1.x

Michael Pyne mpyne at
Sat Oct 4 02:27:19 BST 2008

On Friday 03 October 2008, David Faure wrote:
> The release-team has decided to improve the organization of the kdesupport
> system we use. Please read the details below.

> For those
> using kdesvn-build, it means simply adding this line in the kdesupport
> module: module-base-path tags/kdesupport-for-4.1

To clarify there is a bug discovered 
( that would cause kdesvn-build to 
download the snapshot for trunk if you specify module-base-path.

This shouldn't be an error-causing issue as kdesvn-build should still svn 
switch correctly to tags/kdesupport-for-4.1 but it may cause the download to 
take longer as the delta between kdesupport trunk and the 4.1 tag gets bigger.

In addition I recommend using the "tag" option:

module kdesupport
  tag kdesupport-for-4.1
  # other options
end module

Released versions of kdesvn-build do not have the snapshot download hiccup 
when using the "tag" option.  Bug 172110 will be fixed in the 1.7 release 
which I guess I will try to get out this weekend before my refit schedule saps 
away all of my remaining time.

NOTE: I haven't tried building from the tag yet as I've just got home a couple 
of hours ago.  Your mileage may vary.

 - Michael Pyne
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