Proposal: new non-shipping module for examples

Matt Rogers mattr at
Thu Oct 2 02:40:26 BST 2008

On Oct 1, 2008, at 8:35 PM, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:

> On Wednesday 01 October 2008, Stephen Kelly wrote:
>> Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>>> On Wednesday 01 October 2008, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
>>>> i'd like to propose a new module in svn: kde-training-kit[2]
>>> How about using kdesdk for this ? It's also for stuff related to
>>> development.
>>> Alex
>> I was going to propose kdesdk for housing techbase tutorials code a  
>> few
>> weeks ago, but didn't get around to it yet. It can be linked to and
> the reason i didn't suggest kdesdk was that:
> * it gets shipped as part of KDE core releases, so the code would  
> either not
> be part of the default build (which is part of the current problem)  
> or get
> installed on user's computers (not what we want). a major problem  
> here is that
> if it isn't part of the build, we don't get buildbot coverage.
> * it would potentially give kdesdk dependencies to other modules
> * it would increase the size of the module for what's really not very
> interesting code to most people
> i personally like the idea of kdesdk being focused on being a software
> developer kit containing useful tools to do development with rather  
> than a
> teaching kit.

Me too (from the module coordinator)

> the benefits of having it in kdesdk are:
> * people already know it (and likely have it)
>> partially reproduced for the techbase page, like qt examples at
> the examples and demos in qt are kept separate from the dev tools.  
> that seems
> sensible to me.


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