
Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Thu May 29 11:12:33 BST 2008

On Thursday 29 May 2008, Alex Merry wrote:
> I believe Thomas Zander was playing with this, but ran into trouble with
> where I put the createPrintDialog functions (ie: it's too far down the
> stack in kdelibs to depend on KFileDialog in KIO).  The suggested solution
> was to dl libkfile, but I think other things took over.

i just talked to thomas in person (in fact, he's still standing here beside me 
as i type this).. he'll be replying shortly, but yeah, the solution is to tie 
into the file dialog replacement hooks in Qt from KApplication. i'll let him 
expound further in his email.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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