'Z' makes the difference in the vCalender analyzer

Jos van den Oever jvdoever at gmail.com
Wed May 28 23:58:49 BST 2008

When i run 'xmlanalyzer calenderfile1' i get this error:
  <unknown program name>(20178)/: KSystemTimeZones: ktimezoned
initialize() D-Bus call failed:  "The name org.kde.kded was not
provided by any .service files"

<unknown program name>(20178)/ KSystemTimeZonesPrivate::instance:
instance(): ... initialised
Fatal error: you need to have a KComponentData object before
you do anything that requires it! Examples of this are config
objects, standard directories or translations.

However, if I use the same file, but append 'Z' after the timestamps,
this problem does not occur because KDateTime is not invoked. The core
problem is that sometimes a KComponentData is required. The question
is, how to add it to the analyzer

Does anyone have a suggestion?

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