Potential memory leak in WeaverImpl

Michael Jansen kde at michael-jansen.biz
Sat May 10 20:52:35 BST 2008


I'm currently playing with valgrind. It says in


those states get leaked.

    // initialize state objects:
    m_states[InConstruction] = new InConstructionState( this );
    setState ( InConstruction );
    m_states[WorkingHard] = new WorkingHardState( this );
    m_states[Suspending] = new SuspendingState( this );
    m_states[Suspended] = new SuspendedState( this );
    m_states[ShuttingDown] = new ShuttingDownState( this );
    m_states[Destructed] = new DestructedState( this );

They don't get deleted in the destructor, but i leave it to someone with 
insight into the code to fix it.


Michael Jansen
Available for contract work ( Development / Configuration Management )

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