[PATCH] remove crashing kdebug in kshortcutseditoritem.cpp

Michael Jansen kde at michael-jansen.biz
Sat May 10 01:35:10 BST 2008

On Friday 09 May 2008 01:05:24 Andreas Hartmetz wrote:
> >  > I remember a recent bug, for example in KWin's effects configuration,
> >  > where your changes will always be discarded. Or at least it looks so
> >  > in the GUI. Well, we can probably sort this out quickly now.
> >
> >  ???? Just send me steps to reproduce and i will have a look.
> Note: I designed the editor so that it would commit changes
> immediately and only undo them when you explicitly press the "undo"
> button. Of course I wrote the original code under this assumption
> everywhere. It may or may not be easy to change or modify that
> behavior without breaking something else.

Probably. But the code worked perfect for kcmshell4 keys and the applications 
configuration dialogs. Only the effect do not work. And i'm currently not able 
to make that work. See below.

> To reproduce the bug I described:
> Open system settings, click on Look&Feel/Desktop, then:
> Desktop effects, check "enable desktop effects". Under the "all
> effects" tab open the settings dialog of any module that has one,
> change a shortcut, say to Ctrl-Alt-F10. Close the dialog, open it
> again. It displays the old, unchanged shortcut. Set it again to
> Ctrl-Alt-F10. Oh, now there's a conflict with itself which is
> especially confusing.
> This bug may or may not have somehing to do with undo-on-close
> actually, it was just recently pointed out to me. Hey, maybe I broke
> it with per-component global shortcuts (but the person who told me
> about the bug didn't mention it being very new).

If you change the shortcut, apply. and immediately open kcmshell4 keys you 
will see the change is active.

I'm pretty sure you're per-component  global shortcuts code introduced some 
regressions. I encounter many problems i never seen before.

1. KWin's shortcuts exist three times: Under Components KWin, KCMShell, KDE 
Control Module

2. Changing global shortcuts in kcmshell4 keys fails for me. For all 
components. I've seen some changes written to kglobalshortcutsrc but never 
getting active. Most of the time the change doesn't get saved.

Other things i noticed during my search

KWin Effects Configuration never set the isConfigurationShortcut Property for 
their actions. I THINK this will lead to problems.

They try to save their action collections with 
KActionCollection::writeSettings() instead of KShortcutsEditor::save().  That 
definetely will lead to problems.

The magnifier effects configuration dialog shows all of it's shortcuts twice.

The KWin component has no name in kcmshell4 keys.


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