[PATCH][161458] kwalletmanager: fix editing of maps' passwords

Chani chanika at gmail.com
Thu May 1 22:08:05 BST 2008

On May 1, 2008 01:04:28 Michael Leupold wrote:
> Hi,
> On checking some strange behaviour with the widget for editing passwords in
> maps not disappearing I found out about the following three bugs:
> 1) The textedit for editing passwords is not focussed correctly. Opening
> the context-menu hides it, clicking outside of it doesn't properly hide it
> in most cases.
> I found out this only happened if the QTextEdit wasn't focussed before
> clicking elsewhere. Setting focus after creation made this one vanished. I
> also replaced QTextEdit by KTextEdit as suggested by ebn.
> 2) The contents used to be written back to the table when the textedit was
> deleted. Q3Table doesn't seem to destroy child-widgets properly in this
> case so the contents never get written back.
> This was actually a problem with the text edit not being destroyed on
> closing it. setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose) helped.
> 3) The text edit was closed on right-clicking it to get the popup for
> copying/pasting.
> This was due to a small portion that was commented-out on converting to
> qt4. Porting it to Qt4 worked well.

I got hit by those bugs last week! thanks for working on them :)

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