Guidance in KDE Admin

Sebastian Kuegler sebas at
Tue Mar 25 10:57:15 GMT 2008

On Tuesday 25 March 2008 10:35:05 Nicolas Ternisien wrote:
> - The approval of main developers of Guidance

I wouldn't have a problem with them moving into KDE Admin. The largest barrier 
currently is probably the KDE4 Port. Also, guidance needs testing before 
integration is done, just shipping it with some distro without making sure it 
works is not a good idea.

Guidance is supposed to be working well on Debian, Kubuntu, it has originally 
been written on Mandriva (but with distro-independance in mind) so that 
should work as well (modulo bugs and things that may have changed under the 
hood). The code is designed so new platforms can be supported easily, some 
will work out of the box or with very minor changes.

All modules need porting to KDE4 (and could make nice showcases for the Python 
bindings then). Mountconfig would also need porting to Solid (it already uses 
HAL), Userconfig at this point only supports PAM (although I've once started 
to add LDAP support to it.) Displayconfig doesn't currently know about xrandr 
1.2 and all the dynamic stuff. Serviceconfig suffers a bit from the recent 
variety of init systems, for example it hasn't been ported completely to 
Ubuntu's upstart. It does work with  Debian's system, and I also ported it to 
work well with Gentoo.

On the upside, the modules' code is fairly clean and probably not too much of 
a pain to work on.

Unfortunately, lately I only rarely find the time to hack on Guidance, and 
it's not likely to change in a short timeframe.
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