[PATCH] KFilePlacesModel : separate storage for custom items and standard items

nf2 nf2 at scheinwelt.at
Sun Mar 16 16:35:02 GMT 2008

Kevin Ottens wrote:
> Le Saturday 15 March 2008, nf2 a écrit :
>> As Kevin Ottens suggested, i have written a unit test to demonstrate
>> this bug: Removing items from KFilePlacesModel doesn't work after
>> triggering a re-parse.
> Thanks for the unit test. I committed it with a fix a few minutes ago.
> Regards.

Another patch for review (my goal is to implement the shared bookmarks 
spec for KFilePlaces). As my previous approach didn't allow free 
reordering of the KFilePlaces items, i had to reconsider it.

The new approach keeps the ~/.kde4/share/apps/kfileplaces/bookmarks.xml 
as it was and synchronizes the custom items with 
.local/share/shortcuts.xbel. The Synchronization is done by the new 
class KFilePlacesSharedBookmarks.

The minor changes to KFilePlacesModel:

* System items are tagged with a <isSystemItem>true</isSystemItem>.
* I improved the ID-generator for more unique id's.


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