[PATCH] New method to enable / disable auto-resizing in KFilePlacesView

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at free.fr
Thu Jun 26 11:02:21 BST 2008


I am using a KFilePlacesView in Gwenview "start page". This page shows 
the places on the left and a similar view containing the recent folders 
on the right.

Right now it looks quite weird because the places view items are auto 
resized while the recent folders view items stick to 32x32.

Attached patch adds methods to KFilePlacesView to be able to 
enable/disable auto-resizing. I know it's quite late, but I would like 
to know if it's possible to commit this in trunk now so that Gwenview 
start page does not look weird.

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