kded won't start anymore

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Jun 17 18:28:30 BST 2008

On 17.06.08 17:57:37, David Faure wrote:
> On Monday 16 June 2008, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Maybe its just me, but somehow the kde3 version
> > of global shortcuts _works_ a lot better 
> But not on the mac

Who care's about alien technology ;)

> This was the main reason for this redesign [together with, IMHO, the possibility of
> seeing all registered global shortcuts, not just those in kdebase, but that benefit
> has been debated previously].

Yeah, I guess you can just ignore the statement I shouldn't have said
that in the first place without getting some background on the issue
first :)

> Anyway, enough talking, how about debugging why "keyToAction" doesn't contain "key"? ;)

I doubt I'll have the time this week or weekend, but hoped that given
the "circuumstances" where this happens (i.e. only multimedia keys)
somebody familiar with the codebase would instantly go "ah, yeah I know

Another issue is that kded can so easily be brought down and thus half
of the desktop doesn't work anymore. That shouldn't happen, either kded
should automatically restart or there should be some kind of message
saying "Hey, here's a list of things that might have just broken your
desktop, care to disable any of them?" With a list of kded components.
Or is that just too crazy an idea? (Of course ideally the components
should be fixed, but still its bad to ship something which breaks the
desktop so easily)


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