kded won't start anymore

Michael Pyne mpyne at purinchu.net
Mon Jun 16 19:20:50 BST 2008

On Monday 16 June 2008, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hi,
> apparently somehow my global shortcuts stuff got messed up and now
> causes kded to crash and not come back. See this from starting kde and
> fetching stdout/stderr:
> ASSERT: "d->keyToAction.value(key) == ad" in file
> /home/andreas/KDE-work/4.0/kdelibs/kdeui/shortcuts/ kdedglobalaccel.cpp,
> line 411
> KDE Daemon (kded) already running.
> konsole(21449) KShortcut::KShortcut: unusable primary shortcut sequence  ""
> konqueror(21450) KonqMainWindow::setAnimatedLogoSize: buttonHeight= 22 max
> iconSize= 22 konqueror(21450) KonqMainWindow::setAnimatedLogoSize: final
> iconSize= 22 kded(21453): Communication problem with  "kded" , it probably
> crashed. Error message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : "
> "Message did not receive a reply (timeou t by message bus)" "
> QDBusConnection received a message of type 3 that it shouldn't have
> error: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown" "The name org.kde.kded
> was not provided by any .se rvice files"
> My global shortcuts file is attached. This completely breaks the desktop
> - obviously. Anybody with some insight on this? Of course removing the
> shortcutsrc file helps.

I have reported this as bug 162144 http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=162144

This is based off of JuK global shortcuts, but only with multimedia keys 
(which I've had to manually xmodmap in on startup).  Do you use multimedia 
keys or do you have shortcuts assigned to keysyms obtained using xmodmap?

My workaround for now has been to disable the assertion. :(

Unfortunately every time I startup I have to go to JuK and re-select the 
multimedia keys global shortcut, I assume related to this bug but I'm not sure 

 - Michael Pyne
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