kdelibs CMake module docs (Was: Re: kdedoxygen.sh (Was: API dox))

Allen Winter winter at kde.org
Sun Jun 15 02:02:03 BST 2008

On Saturday 14 June 2008 12:42:24 Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Saturday 14 June 2008, Allen Winter wrote:
> > Howdy,
> >
> > I just put a new tool called kdedoxygen.sh into kdesdk/scripts.
> > Let me know if it helps. I'll update TechBase about this.
> >
> > % kdedoxygen.sh -h
> > kdedoxygen.sh - generates API html pages for KDE modules using doxygen
> >
> > Simply chdir to the directory containing your code and run this program.
> > The output html can be found in apidocs/html, and the processing log is in
> > doxygen.log
> Somewhat related:
> it would be nice if we would have documentation for the cmake modules coming 
> with kdelibs/cmake/modules/ on techbase.
> I think we have everything to do this. 
> -cmake 2.6 supports creating documentation in docbook format. This should be 
> good as something which can be converted into content for techbase ?
> -cmake 2.6 supports creating documentation for custom cmake modules (i.e. not 
> only the ones which come with cmake): 
> $ cmake -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=<path_to_custom_modules> --help-custom-modules 
> <filename.docbook>
> So let's say you have kdelibs installed to /opt/kde4, the following will 
> generate a docbook file for all cmake modules from kdelibs:
> $ cmake -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=/opt/kde4/share/apps/cmake/modules \
>          --help-custom-modules kdelibs-cmake-modules.docbook
> Then this docbook file has to be converted to something appropriate for 
> techbase and put online.

Maybe techbase isn't the right place for this.. seems sorta strange to
convert docbook to mediawiki (not sure that is easy to do) and then
copy+paste that into a wiki entry form.

And the kde-cmake-stuff changes pretty often.

How about if we make pretty HTML (instead of docbook) and host it under api.kde.org/cmake and then put a link on TechBase to that location??

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