Make KStyle honour KDE wide single-click behaviour

Craig Drummond craig at
Thu Jun 12 21:17:41 BST 2008

On Thursday 12 Jun 2008, David Faure wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 June 2008, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > The style hint is asked each time you release the mouse on an itemview,
> > by the Qt implementation (and also double-click release).
> >
> > The creation of the kcomponent data is just allocating 1 dpointer with
> > some text data (kaboutdata) and in worst case registering the component
> > as main component if this is called from a non-kde-app. However that
> > part can easily be cached.
> I see no reason why the kcomponentdata couldn't be a member of the style,
> just like it is in any other "component".

What about the attached patch? I've used a similar thing in the QtCurve Qt4 
style, and it seems to work fine for me. This patch also controls the icons 
on button settings, as well as mapping some KDE icons.

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