Qt SVG renderer

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Jul 31 19:31:46 BST 2008

Thiago Macieira wrote:
> On Thursday 31 July 2008 13:54:22 Rafael Fernández López wrote:
>> Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>>> @ereslibre:
>>> It would be REALLY helpful if you could somehow provide the
>>> mis-rendering svg's as well (link to websvn is probably ok); I'm sure
>>> this would be a tremendous help to the Qt folk.
>> Hmm, yes... let's see if I can do it ASAP.
> There's no rush for us.

Well *I'm* still curious. So I dug out where in svn the .svg's are... 
and at least for media-flash-memory-stick, there is indeed *not* junk in 
the file... all the background garbage is indeed the fault of the 
renderer, not the svg. (I wonder if Ariya might be onto something, if 
maybe something is being reused without being cleared, rather than a Qt 
problem. I must admit, it's hard to imagine how Qt would manage to 
render bunches of other icons behind the 'right' one.)

> Unwilling to submit 112 MB of decompressed SVGs to our servers, the developer 
> spent the last day writing a function to decompress gzipped data. So Qt 4.5 
> should support .svgz icons too. :-)

That sounds like a nice new feature, thanks! (Ok, I haven't looked, does 
KDE currently handle the decompression? I know we have .svgz's in use 

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