Qt SVG renderer

pinheiro nuno at oxygen-icons.org
Tue Jul 29 08:32:01 BST 2008

A Tuesday 29 July 2008 07:57:29, Thiago Macieira escreveu:
> Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I have 2 things to say, 1 of them is news, the other is fairly known.
> >
> >Riccardo rocks. He has created an amazing list of icons that are
> > misdrawn with Qt SVG renderer. Mostly the main problem that invalidates
> > Qt SVG renderer for actually being used on KIconLoader is that it
> > doesn't support filters/masking. Now that the known thing, that
> > Riccardo rocks is said, I proceed with linking to his work (I am
> > hosting it, since I uploaded the list).
> >
> >http://media.ereslibre.es/2008/07/icons/
> >
> >Here you can find a full list of icons that are misdrawn, and how
> > inkscape draws it.
> >
> >Thanks Riccardo !
> I see a few blatant errors in some errors that look like the icon was
> drawn on top of others. If those are Qt errors, those should be easy to
> fix. But please check that it isn't the generating program's fault.
> Or am I misunderstanding the issue? Are those backgrounds in the .svg file
> and then somehow filtered into oblivion? I.e. in
> http://media.ereslibre.es/2008/07/icons/qt/audio-headset.png, that SD
> card is in the audio-headset.svg icon?
> Also, I don't see the differences in *most* icons, unless I put them on
> top of the other and flip.

To me its fairly obvius the difrences... and its in most of them, the only 
ones that are almost ok are the realy old ones that in fact areout of 
style. :(


core oxygen icon designer

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