Any devs willing to maintain KnowIt?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Jul 9 13:13:05 BST 2008

On 08.07.08 20:10:52, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I use the wonderful, yet unmaintained, KnowIt application. I have
> contacted the developer about some bugs and improvements to the
> application, but he no longer wants to maintain it. Would anyone be
> willing to maintain this wonderful application?
> As a regular donor to KDE I would gladly donate a token amount
> directly to a developer who would take it upon himself, however, my
> donation would only be symbolic for their contribution to KDE and
> certainly not cover the coding time.

I'm using it too and if I can't find an alternative that works well
under KDE4, once I switch to KDE4, I'll probably port it myself. Thats
not the same as maintainership though, I don't have time for that, I'd
just make it work in KDE4 as it works now for what I need.


Good day to let down old friends who need help.

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