script for applying kde coding style

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Wed Jul 2 09:01:59 BST 2008

<cid:part1.03070409.01040300 at> specifies the kdelibs coding
style. Based on a request from an umbrello developer who wrote:

A desired style for umbrello can be picked up atleast now .... A unified
style really improves quality of the code and readability.

I would like to add two scripts to kdesdk/scripts which could be used by
developers to apply the predefined style:

kde-astyle       - apply kde coding style to all c, cpp and header files
in and below the current directory   (unix version)
kde-astyle.bat - apply kde coding style to all c, cpp and header files
in and below the current directory   (windows version)

Also these scripts should be communicated on techbase as the prefered way.

Any objectivities ?


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