KDEREVIEW: nowplaying dataengine and applet for plasma

Alex Merry huntedhacker at tiscali.co.uk
Sun Jan 27 10:33:03 GMT 2008

At Sunday 27 January 2008 9:46 am, you wrote:
> Alex Merry wrote:
> >Yes, as specified in the MPRIS specification.  The point is that an
> > application can (as this one does) just look for anything like
> > org.mpris.*, rather than going through every single D-Bus object of
> > every single service looking for an org.freedesktop.mediaplayer
> > interface.
> Why don't you simply ask "Hey, is there anyone implementing MPRIS here" 
> via a signal, as would be expected in a D-Bus application?
> Polling and inspecting is not a good idea. Really, it's a bad idea.

Well, currently I use a signal to get new services, and see whether any of them are of the form org.mpris.*

Given that this is required by the spec, there doesn't seem much point in checking other services for the interface.


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