fuzzy-clock in kdereview

Frerich Raabe raabe at froglogic.com
Tue Jan 22 14:28:06 GMT 2008

Hi Sven,

Sven Burmeister schrieb:
>  I just copied the fuzzy-clock plasmoid to kdereview. Since this is
>  the first time I do anything outside playground, I hope I did not
>  mess anything up. Apalogies if I caused any inconvenience.

Thanks for your work on this, I really miss the fuzzy clock in KDE4 :-)

>  The code for getting the time into a string did not change compared
>  to KDE3, so the translations should be the same as well.
>  Please tell me if there is anything I should improve.

In the first versions of the fuzzy clock, the applet simple got the
current time and then constructed a string from segments like 'ten
past' or 'quarter to' and 'one' 'two' 'three' etc.. However, it turned
out that for the majority of KDE translations it's not that easy.

The special case for Spanish you probably noticed in the sources
(that was added by Antonio Larossa IIRC) was added because Spanish
has a special case for times with 'one' IIRC. The words 'ten past' are
different in Spanish depending on whether it's 'ten past one' or 'ten
past two'. Or something like that. When looking a bit further, it
turned out that *many* languages have such exceptions so the simple
case which works for English is maybe not very suitable.

My impression is that the only way to make this work properly for all
languages is to have a big table of strings with the full texts
("Five past one", "Ten past one", "Quarter past one" so on and on).
That's pretty boring and nasty for the translators (since there will be
a lot of strings) but I'm not sure what else to do.

Frerich Raabe - raabe at froglogic.com
www.froglogic.com - Multi-Platform GUI Testing

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